Sunday, December 29, 2019
Essay Impact of Technology on Music - 1417 Words
Impact of Technology on Music The introduction to the internet in the early nineties and the creation of broadband, MP3, and the file sharing network known as â€Å"peer to peer†has completely revolutionised the music industry. A large percentage of music is today downloaded over the internet, and not bought over the counter in a record store. This essay will address the impact of new technology on music, and how music is distributed. To do this, the paper will first briefly explain the history of the digital revolution. Then it will contrast the problems and the possibilities this technology has created. Over the years, the development of new technology has caused significant changes to the world we are living in. These technological†¦show more content†¦Broadband cable modems are able to give high-speed Internet access to ordinary computer users. The invention of MP3, the popular data-reduction software, allowed people to compresses sound recordings into data files small enough to be stored on the hard drive of a personal computer, sent via e-mail, or downloaded from websites. Such files can also be downloaded from peer-to-peer file-sharing sites, the best known sites are sites like Kazaa, Ares, and WinMx. These sites are web-based clearing houses that allow their users to make MP3 files available for free to all other users. In addition, many record labels have launched or are launching online delivery systems from which their recordings can be downloaded for a fee (Teachout, 2002). Millions of people now download music for free and burn the songs onto blank discs. This is illegal but available and at present because of the mass numbers of people doing it, and it’s having a very real and harmful impact on countless musicians, songwriters, and performers. Today, more that 2.6 billion files are downloaded illegally every month (, 2004). Despite its apparent position of power, the recording industry is vulnerable on more than one front. Key lawmakers have bluntly told the industry to find a solution to the music-sharing problem or face arbitrary legislation. Regardless of whether the present file-sharing sitesShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Its Impact On The Music Industry Essay2573 Words  | 11 Pages Technology and Its Impact on the Music Industry Name College Technology and its Impact on the Music Industry Introduction The creation of musical works has always been culminated by several different processes and usually involves many people. The process takes a lot of time delaying the release of music. Advancement in technology has played a significant role in the music production by lowering the length of time it takes to produce recorded material. Artists usually sign a contractRead MoreImpact Of Technology On The Music Industry1933 Words  | 8 PagesOver the years, music has become portable, starting with the transistor to a set of headphones. Technology has allowed us to create a diverse musical culture. Music will always have an effect on one’s culture, and it has definitely mad a huge impact on the use of technology. Cultural diversity is about bringing people closer together though the World Wide Web. Many music publishers are the key to cultural diversity when it comes to publishing all genres. They will increasingly continue to play aRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Musi c Industry1845 Words  | 8 Pagestoday’s music is trash. It’s repetitive and oversimplified, and all because of this new music technology constantly being developed. A listener rarely hears a piece of music that has not been touched by technology, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. These people fail to realize that the theory of music technology has been around since the 1700’s when Mozart invented a game using a die to compose music by chance (Baggi). It is also important to realize the true of meaning of technology to societyRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Music Industry Essay2587 Words  | 11 PagesTechnology: The Significant Impacts on the Music Industry It’s intriguing how the music industry has significantly changed throughout the years due to the constant increase of technology. There are many different reasons to show how technology has made a huge impact whether positive or negative on this phenomenal industry. Music cultivates so much meaning to the world, and speaks volumes on the behalf of individuals when they don’t know what to physically say. That being said, whether it’s listeningRead MoreThe Impact Of Technology On The Music Industry Essay1310 Words  | 6 PagesTechnology has brought many advantageous opportunities to the music industry in the area of production and distribution. Besides popular and valuable instruments such as the electric guitar and the synthesizer, technology has brought us new production equipment such as high-fidelity microphones, re-mastering equipment and CD-ROMs that provide us with a crystal-clear sound of the recording. The development of these equipment has allowed the audience to experience a higher quality of sound coming fromRead MoreImpact Of Technology On The Music Industry1414 Words  | 6 PagesDevelopments within the music industry are seemingly frequent and numerous due to diversity and the various issues faced. 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The music businessRead More The Impact of Recording Technology on Music Essay2003 Words  | 9 PagesThe Impact of Recording Technology on Music Most successful musicians know a hidden art carried out by the work of a good sound engineer; it is essential for a magnificent album. For the rest of us novice listeners and fans, we believe what we hear through our speakers or played over the radio are the true skilled professional musicians, soaring at their craft. Most contemporary music, from pop to RB and acid jazz to the sophisticated realm of orchestral film scores, has been modernizedRead MoreThe Impacts of Technology on Music Recording Industry and Society1751 Words  | 8 PagesThe Impacts of Technology on Music Recording Industry and Society TV has restored the daily life of family, Photography has altered the way we look at the world, the computer has changed everything.†(Mark Katz, 2010) It is true the computer has converted everything into digital. Digital technology has also changed the ways of sound and voice recording. It has gradually led to the changes not only in the production of sound but also in the views of societyRead MoreDiscuss the Impact of Digital Technology on the Production and Distribution of Music.1547 Words  | 7 Pagescenturies past, music has seen leaps and bounds in the enhancement of theory, instruments, and recording arts. The first major leap was the invention of the piano in 1709 by Bartolomeo Cristofori. From that first major step came the introduction of electronic instruments short after the harnessing of electricity which came in the early 19th century. Soon after that came recording and then on to synthesizers and eventually digital recording. As computers were introduced to society, computer music was also
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Unemployment Unemployment And Unemployment - 1573 Words
INTRODUCTION What is unemployment? Unemployment happens when a man who is effectively looking for employment is not able to find some kind of employment. Unemployment is regularly utilised as a measure of the economy’s wellbeing. The most regularly referred to gauge of unemployment is the unemployment rate. This is the quantity of unemployed persons divided by the quantity of individuals in the work force. The unemployed are those individuals capable, accessible and willing to work at the going wage yet can t discover work in spite of a want to work. How is unemployment measured? Measuring unemployment precisely is made difficult due to improper facts. Not all cases of unemployment are recorded, and a few records of unemployment may not be exact. Since the unemployed are qualified for benefits, a few people may work, yet do not disclose it, and take advantage. On the other hand, numerous unemployed may not try to inform the authorities, and this unemployment goes unrecorded. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) conducts a monthly Labour Force Survey. This family unit survey is intended to create key facts of unemployment (and employment) from a sample of more or less 56,000 individuals. The study s meaning of unemployment matches to universal benchmarks and rules. According to ABS unemployed persons are characterised as all persons aged 15 years and over who were not working amid the reference week and: had effectively searched for work in the past fourShow MoreRelatedUnemployment For Unemployment1196 Words  | 5 Pagesthat as the state level of unemployment decreased, so too did successful rehabilitation in competitive employment (Chan, et al., 2014). The weakness of this research was that it focused on one year before and one year after the U.S. economic recession. Hence, the recession’s impact on specific states and models of employment may not apply to specific vocational rehabilitation service areas. Additionally, the research only predicted male employment; hence consideration for females was absent fromRead MoreUnemployment And The Unemployment Rate1368 Words  | 6 PagesUnemployment happens when individuals are without work and effectively looking for work. The unemployment rate is a predominance s measure of unemployment and it is figured as a rate by separating the quantity of unemployed people by all people right now in the work power. During periods of recession, an economy usually experiences a relatively high unemployment rate. Economists distinguish between various overlapping types of and theories of unemployment, including cyclical or Keynesian unemploymentRead MoreUnemployment And The Rate Of Unemployment Essay1271 Words  | 6 PagesRate of unemployment The definition of ‘Unemployment’ is given by International Labour Organisation (ILO) and adopted by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) as â€Å"A person aged 15 years and over is considered as unemployed if he/she do not work at all during the preceding week of the survey (even an hour in the reference week) and is actively looking for work or is available for work but do not work due to temporary illness or because there is no work available†. The rate of unemployment increasedRead MoreUnemployment Is A Measure Of Unemployment1532 Words  | 7 PagesAccording to Balami (2006) unemployment is conceptualized as a situation wherein a worker is or workers are involuntarily out of work. This means that workers are willing and able to work but cannot find any work. Unemployment has been defined by the classical economists as the excess supply of labour over the demand for labour which is cause by adjustment in real wage. The Classical or real-wage unemployment occurs when real wages for job are set above the market-clearing level, causing number ofRead MoreThe Unemployment Rate Of Unemployment Essay1023 Words  | 5 Pageshundred forty thousand jobs, being beyond people’s expectations believing it would have only been 190,000 jobs. This situation calmed everyone about the economy s health making the unemployment rate of 4.9, till now the unemployment rate has remained the same. Many professionals in economics believe that an unemployment rate of 4.9% is full employment. As of today we are stabled and doing well, companies have been hiring more people, the minimum wage rose a dollar to ten dollars which means peopleRead MoreUnemployment And Its Effects On Unemployment1317 Words  | 6 Pagesgoes through various fluctuations in activ ity causing unemployment to fall, rise, or level out. What this creates is the first type of unemployment, known as cyclical; frictional is the second type, caused by a temporary leave (for whatever reason) by the employee, and structural is the third type, varying with the economic changes in demand. The absence of unemployment at its maximum level is termed full employment, another version of unemployment. The term encompassing the sum of the frictional, structuralRead MoreThe Unemployment Problem Of Unemployment2398 Words  | 10 Pagesissues affecting several counties is unemployment, US being no special case. Unemployment can also be attributed to as joblessness. Unemployment is conditions where people do not have jobs still are searching actively for the work. The most influenced are the youths who discover themselves inactive for not having jobs after finishing their studies. The unemployment rate is a measure of the prevalence of unemployment. Several countries undergo hi gher rates of unemployment amid the periods of recession.Read MoreUnemployment And Its Effects On Unemployment4263 Words  | 18 Pagesdependency on past history; Hysteresis in unemployment therefore implies that unemployment depends on its past. This further implies that demand or supply side shocks to unemployment have the tendency to permanently affect the unemployment path (Saeid Eisazadeh 2014). There are several explanations for the persistence of unemployment, George S. et al (1988) highlights two broad explanations for the persistence of unemployment. The first states that long run unemployment rate is impacted by exogenous shocksRead MoreUnemployment Rate Measurement Of Unemployment879 Words  | 4 Pages Unemployment Rate Measurement The Labor force is composed by employment and unemployment. According to the Economic fifth edition, the unemployment is when someone not currently at work but who is available for work and who has actively looked for work during the previous month. There are three types of unemployment: frictional, structural and cyclical unemployment. The unemployment is one of the biggest problems that any society has to face it. The unemployment reflects the status of the economyRead MoreUnemployment And Its Impact On The Nation s Unemployment Essay1712 Words  | 7 PagesUnemployment is one of the biggest topics that we talk about as a country and also is one of the biggest problems that we have as well. In essence it is the state of being unemployed. There are three total types of unemployment: frictional, structural and cyclical. The latest unemployment rate reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) was 4.9% in January. The way that we measure unemployment is BLS conducts a national survey that is random to a number around 60,000 households. They do this
Friday, December 13, 2019
Should the government have a say in what we eat Free Essays
Some may say that we need more guidance from the government in what we eat but I disagree. The control our government has is already overwhelming most of o our lives so we as citizens should not have to be forced into eating anything because the govern meet says so. We are taught from an early age on what has proper nutrition and what is he althea. We will write a custom essay sample on Should the government have a say in what we eat? or any similar topic only for you Order Now We also have the food pyramid to show us what we need in our body system to f unction throughout the day. If people see that and do not follow them, it is their choice e and the decisions that they are making. If you decide to eat something that is unhealthy why and gain weight, it is your responsibility to lose that weight again. If you decide to eat healthy, which can benefit you later on in your life, again it is your responsibility to keep eat Eng healthy and staying healthy. You are the person who make the choices in your life and YOU U should be the one responsible for your actions; not anybody else. There are so many things that the government limits us to do; if they decide to limit what kind of food we eat, the tats one more step towards them limiting us to do things around in this country. Although s mom guidance in what we eat can be helpful to those who are uneducated, most people learn a ND know what is healthy and what is not. In America alone, more than % of adults are obese. How to cite Should the government have a say in what we eat?, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Walmart for Ethical Management
Question: Discuss about the Walmart for Ethical Management. Answer: Introduction 21st Century has made Ethics, an integral priority of any Organization. Ethics refer to values and principles followed by the employees of an organization while delivering services or taking decisions for the firm. Since Sam Walton founded Walmart stores, it has always been a value-based organization, ethically catering the needs of the people. Global ethics have been held responsible for promoting Walmarts Culture of Integrity. But in the recent times, the firm has constantly been questioned on its ethical practices. This piece of work below is written to attain three pivotal objectives: Firstly, to critically evaluate the sustainable practices of the firm and their validity; Secondly, to unveil the ethical issues of the firm, its stakeholders and companys measures to combat them and; Thirdly, to assess the authenticity of the CSR activities of the brand. Walmarts approaches towards Sustainability Walmart has always tried to provide the best standards of living to its consumers by offering them the products at a lower price than the competitors. The company has been able to maintain a good relationship with all its reliable customers, but, at the same time it has failed in meeting the needs of other stakeholders in the brand i.e. the employees. The firm has been criticized a lot because of its policies and business practices. The firm is offering very low wages to its employees and with this have a low- benefit employment model across all its branches. Apart from this the firm has also failed in providing a good working ambience by compelling its workers to work overtime in this minimum wage (Sachs Goldsmith, 2016). The cheaper health- insurance plans introduced by the firm were also questioned by the critics as the firm by these plans was trying to avoid the deteriorating health conditions of the employees. Even the firm has also been criticized for punishing the union activ ities which were organized to fight for the rights of the employees. Another instance revealed that the firm was not able to provide adequate safety to its workers who worked in the factories. The workers suffered inhuman conditions because of the Machines, Toxic Glues, Dust and Chemical Solvents. This has raised several questions over the Health-Safety and Maintenance Policy of the brand. The company has also faced a great criticism over violations of certain ethical laws and regulations prevailing in the society. For instance, a critical report was released by the department Labors Settlement Agreement that accused Walmart over Child-Labor Violations (Fairness, 2016). The report revealed that over 200 children, below the age of 11 years, were involved in sewing clothes for the firm. These children were found to be beaten, forced to work for 12- 14 hours a day, often seven days a week and for wages as low as 6.5 cents an hour. In the year 2003, it was also unveiled that the Walmart s Cleaning Contractors are hiring illegal immigrants in order to arrange cheap workforces from other developing countries. Although Walmart was not successful in creating a sustainable relationship with its employees and the society members, yet, towards the environment, the firm has been able to fulfill its responsibilities. The firms factories have major of its energy sources as renewable ones (Everblue Training LLC, 2011). According to Walmart, renewable resources give the most affordable and cleaner form of energy. The company also aims to achieve Zero waste across the global operations (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 2016). In the US, more than 81% of the materials obtained from companys stores are being diverted from Landfills. In addition to this, the companys outlets are also banning Plastic bags and promoting bio- degradable one time use bags to avoid accumulation of land wastes. In Japan, the company started an initiative to use non-tray packaging for meats and sea foods and also introduced a corn- based bio- plastic wrap for nearly half of its packaged products. Hence, in terms of Sustainable practices, Walmart has to work over its strategies related to employees and societies because human resource is a major asset for any leading firm and if a brand fails to create a good image in front of these resources then it ultimately fails to expand its customer bases in the coming future (Pendola, 2014). Ethical Issues of the firm and their adressal As Walmart is a leading giant with strong position in almost all the markets across the globe, hence, its executives are supposed to high sense of values and conduct honesty and fair practices with all the shareholders. Although, the brand has succeeded in providing products at a lower price than the competitors, yet, it has been accused for a number of unethical issues (CNBC News, 2016). At present the company is considered as the worlds largest employer with over 2.1 billion employees and simultaneously they have their fare share of opportunities to indulge in activities like fraud, bribery, ill-treatment of the employees, Gender and Sexual Discrimination, Child Labor Violations, etc. The company is known to underpay the overtime workers. Above all this, the employees were not even given a proper ambience to work neither so they have a possession to the minimum wages set by the country. According to a statistics, an average Walmart worker makes between $12,000 and $17,000 which is not enough for leading life in a developed nation (Stavros, 2014). The company has adopted this strategy because it wants to cut on its operational costs to keep the prices of its products low as compare to the competitors. To cope up with this and retain the employees for a longer duration, the company has smartly introduced an Insurance cover for health issues. This strategy also acted as a compensation for the negligence of the health and security of the employees at the workplace. Walmart is also known for manipulating other countries where the company seeks foreign markets, with their market power and even control the environmental laws and other legal obligations of the country. To get away with this, the firm sells its products at a very low price, hence, it is highly acknowledged by the customers of the foreign as wells as domestic markets. This is the only defense f the firm and somehow succeeds in justifying all its sins. So, particularly the firm isnt doing anything out o f their way to combat these issues (Banjo Trottman, 2014). The marketing policies and strategies are strong enough to maintain the firms popularity in the markets. According to a report of the New York Times, the company was also found to be involved in suspicious payments to Mexican officials in 2012. This bribery amount accounted up to $24 million and the officials were paid to sneak into things that were prohibited by the countrys laws. This is only a single case; the firm is found guilty in a number of unethical cases every year, but its power and position never lets it to face any hindrance in its business activities. The firm is failing in recognizing the potential problems and they are probably going to pay for this negligence (Mascarenhas, 2013). Companys Corporate Social Responsibilities Carroll (1991) organized myriads of CSR activities as a four-layered pyramid model and designated it as a pyramid of responsibilities. This model describes these activities as four interrelated aspects of responsibilities. In Global Responsibility Report 2013, Walmart declared that it has a responsibility to lead and opportunity to make a difference on the giant issues prevailing all over the world. Walmart is among those countries that have started a number of initiatives towards implementing CSR activities in all the operations it performs, whether it is towards the stakeholders of the company or towards the economy and environment of a country. While exhibiting its roles in this field, the firm majorly focuses on four key regions, which includes: Social Responsibility, Local Responsibility, Environmental Responsibility and Responsibility towards its own Company (Gunther, 2011). In the direction of its first field, Walmart has been consistently working for the empowerment of Women across the globe and for this the firm foundations are providing education, training and career opportunities to around 1 million women worldwide. Apart from this, Walmart has given a number of citizens as access to healthy food and helped in relieving hunger problems. For this, the company has till now given over $1 billion in charitable contributions at the global level. At the Local level, the company is known to introduce the facilities of micro- loans and promoting local farming. For instance, the brand is committed to purchase additional $50 billion UD- produced goods in the coming decade. Walmart is counted among the best employers of the world and has succeeded in providing jobs to millions of talents across the globe and to add more to this, the company at present plans to hire more than 100,000 US veterans over the next five years (University Alliance, 2013). Walmarts commitment to diversity enables the company to better serve its customers and to provide a positive ambien ce to its workers to deliver their best. The dual impact of both Women empowerment and diversity promotion is seen in another fact for the company that at Walmart, Women account for almost 30% its corporate offices and this number is double the average for Fortune 500 companies. The responsibilities of any leading firm are not restricted only towards the society and to its stakeholders. In order to achieve and retain sustainability in all the operational areas, a firm needs to show its responsibilities towards the environment and its elements too. Walmart has turned its garbage into a useful asset by diverting around 80% of the wastes away from the landfills. The firm is also reducing energy use and plastic shopping bag use. At present, to reduce its contribution in the environmental pollution levels, Walmart has made its energy sources to be derived from renewable sources like Coal and Natural gas (Ukessays Team, 2015). The company is also investing in solar energy and hydrogen cel l powered vehicles. Although the company is seen being engaged in numerous CSR activities, yet, Walmarts unethical activities show that they are unable to implement the elements of CSR in a well manner. To avoid the ill consequences of this, the firm needs to abide by laws, behave ethically and even comply with international customs. Just focusing on productivity and profitability will not allow the firm to attain its aim of sustainability in all possible operations (Hooper, 2010). Stakeholders for the firm Freeman (1984) defines Stakeholder as a group as an individual who can affect or is highly influenced by the organizations activities, policies and objectives. Mitchell, Agle and Wood collaboratively have given The Stakeholder Salience Theory which unveils the three main categories of Stakeholders attributes as: Power, Legitimacy and Urgency. The Power attribute says that Stakeholders posses all sorts of powers that can influence the working methodologies and outcomes for a company (Kirilova, 2014). The Legitimate element says that all the Stakeholders have a legal relationship with the company and Urgency elements impart the Stakeholders with a capability of urgent claim on the company. Walmarts stakeholders can be grouped based on their shared interests. Stakeholders for this or any other firm could be divided as internal (managers and employees) and external (Investors, customers and suppliers). The managers and employees form a strong internal backup for the firm. The manager rec ruits the best possible talent for the firm and motivates them to deliver the best of their abilities. In managerial decisions of the company, the employees are the prime considerations (Meyer, 2016). The major assets for any company are its human resources and employees form a major proportion of this resource. The major interests of employees are job security, continuity in the job and higher wages. The job security offered by the firm guarantees the recruited talents that they will be the part of the company till they want to deliver their services. As Walmart has always been criticized for providing low wages to its employees, hence higher wages become another crucial interest of these Stakeholders. Investors are the most prioritized stakeholders of the company as they are only interested in the profits and thus want Walmart to make more and more profit with time. The interest of the investors is to lower the operational costs of the firm as low costs of a firm leads to higher p rofits for the investors. The primary objective of Walmart is to generate profits and thus the company minimizes the wages in order to lower their operational costs. The position of the customers is second to the Investors among the Stakeholders. These are not an individual, but a whole Stakeholder group that is meant to be attracted towards the offers and lower prices of the products set by the company (Hayden, et al., 2002). However, these stakeholders remain attached to the company only when the low prices of the products are accompanied by acceptable qualities of the same. The least prioritized stakeholders for the Walmart are the Suppliers. These are those people who want to sell their products at the Walmart stores and make a profit by the same. Hence the ultimate profit is earned by the suppliers and not by the company itself. The suppliers provide the goods that would be displayed in the stores and they want Walmart to sell their products at a higher price. But as the bargai ning power of the suppliers is not too strong in the case of Walmart, hence, the suppliers actually do not get what they want. The firm has effectively addressed the needs of the customers and investors, but, Walmart partly satisfies its employees as they are not getting the wages according to their work. Thus, it has to improve its strategies to satisfy all the stakeholders (Jeena, 2012). Recommendations for an Ethical Future When Sam Walton founded the Walmart, he established the Three Basic Beliefs to which the firm remained committed but only for a short period. These beliefs were, Respect for the individual, Service to the Customers and Strive for Excellence. Walmart is able to adhere to the last two beliefs, but has not been able to respect the major stakeholders of its company, i.e. its employees. Conducting ethical business practices and motivating the employees to do the same brings a number of benefits for a firm (Walton Scott, 2005). On the other hand, unethical business has the capability to hurt the stakeholders and tarnish the firms reputation in the current as well as in the potential markets. Without ethical grounds the companies often shift towards committing some illegal offenses where bending and breaking laws lead to lawsuits and indictments. Even the public acceptance of such companies becomes impossible as in todays transparent era, unethical behavior is intolerable. For Walmart, the investors are the most prioritized stakeholders for maximizing the companys profit; however, if the firm continues with its unethical practices then the investors will definitely avoid the future relationships (Seattle Pacific University, 2009). The recent market declines have partly resulted from concerns about unethical accounting practices. The leading researchers in the marketing world have suggested that people tend to deliver their best in an open, creative, ethical environment. But Walmart has failed to provide this kind of ambience to its employees and even they are not being paid according to their efforts. Hence, with this poor reputation among the job seekers, Walmart is facing a great difficulty in attracting and retaining the top talents across the globe. Ethical and sustainable practices are also a matter of personal pride. The companys leaders feel proud of their accomplishments knowing that they didnt compromise over their responsibilities while working for the firm . The recommendations for Walmart in such cases are quite candid as it needs to work upon the policies for its employees. The firm has to show that it cares for its employees and they are a crucial asset for the company. Moreover, the wages issues could only be resolved if the firm offers them with perks and benefits at regular intervals (HaloScan Team, 2004). This will make them feel more motivated and they will perform to their best. To attract and retain more and more suppliers, Walmart could build trustworthy relationships with them and for the customers the maintenance of quality would be enough. Ethics and CSR activities are the only two crucial solutions for the company in order to strive in the competitive business world while maintaining a sustainable relationship with all the major and minor stakeholders of the company (Paswan, 2012). Conclusion Walmart should implement some credible changes in its strategies and operations. No company across the globe is immune to ethical issues. However, only those firms succeed that identifies these problems at the initial level and develop strategies to combat them. Walmart is not able to address the needs of its major stakeholders and thus is unable to provide a sustainable working environment to its employees at the workplace. The firm has although working a lot to attract and retain the customers and the investors and thus they both form the most prioritized stakeholders of the firm. But at the same time, the firm needs to show that they care about ethics by treating employees in a justified manner. This will for sure improve the reputation of the firm in the markets and people will have no reasons for complaint and criticize the company. Above all this, Walmart needs to work on its CSR activities to deliver eco- friendly services in the environment and abide by the legitimate standar ds set by the country. References Banjo, S. Trottman, M., 2014. Wal-Mart Accused of Violating Workers' Rights. Wal-Mart Accused of Violating Workers' Rights, 15 January. CNBC News, 2016. WALMART unethical business practices. WALMART unethical business practices. Everblue Training LLC, 2011. Walmart's Business Practices for a Sustainable Workforce. Walmart's Business Practices for a Sustainable Workforce, 01 March. Fairness, W., 2016. The good, the bad and the Walmart. The good, the bad and the Walmart. Gunther, M., 2011. Walmart's CSR Report Shows the Power, and Limits, of Efficiency. Walmart's CSR Report Shows the Power, and Limits, of Efficiency, 25 April. HaloScan Team, 2004. How Does a Business Behave Ethically?. How Does a Business Behave Ethically?, 26 February. Hayden, P., Lee, S., McMahon, K. Pereira, M., 2002. Wal-Mart: Staying on Top of the Fortune 500: A Case Study on Wal-Mart Stores Inc.,Available at: Hooper, M., 2010. A Critical Analysis of Wal-Marts 2010 Corporate Social Responsibility Report: Academia. Jeena, 2012. The Wal-Mart Effect: is it really worth the price?. The Wal-Mart Effect: is it really worth the price?, 09 April. Kirilova, L., 2014. Stakeholder Salience Theory by Mitchell, Agle and Wood. Stakeholder Salience Theory by Mitchell, Agle and Wood, 29 August. Mascarenhas, H., 2013. 4 Huge Reasons Walmart's Still a Horrendous Company to Work For. 4 Huge Reasons Walmart's Still a Horrendous Company to Work For, 30 August. Meyer, P., 2016. Walmarts Stakeholders: Analysis Recommendations. Walmarts Stakeholders: Analysis Recommendations, 29 April. Paswan, R., 2012. Role of Ethics in Modern Business: An Important Key Aspect of the Concern, Available at: Pendola, R., 2014. Mistreated Walmart Employees Speak Out Against Company. Mistreated Walmart Employees Speak Out Against Company , 18 March. Sachs, B. Goldsmith, J., 2016. Children Found Sewing Clothing For Wal-Mart, Hanes Other U.S. European Companies. Children Found Sewing Clothing For Wal-Mart, Hanes Other U.S. European Companies. Seattle Pacific University, 2009. Nine Good Reasons to Run a Business in an Ethical Manner. Nine Good Reasons to Run a Business in an Ethical Manner, 01 October. Stavros, K., 2014. Unethical Acts in Wal-Mart Corporation. Unethical Acts in Wal-Mart Corporation, 19 November. Ukessays Team, 2015. Study On Csr And Ethics At Wal Mart Management. Study On Csr And Ethics At Wal Mart Management , 23 March. University Alliance, 2013. Walmart Reports on Global Responsibility Efforts. Walmart Reports on Global Responsibility Efforts, 29 July. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 2016. Powering the future of retail. [Online] Available at: Walton, R. Scott, L., 2005. Statement of Ethics, Available at:
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